Arrival And Dismissal
Please remember that we all must work together to provide a safe arrival and dismissal for our children.
Below you will find a map detailing our drop-off and pick-up system. There is a tremendous amount of traffic at both times of day, and we urge you to exercise caution at all times. Please be courteous to our neighbors and do not block driveways when parking on nearby streets.
Drop Off and Pick-Up Procedures
Parents dropping off students in the morning should pull in and around the circle to the furthest available spot before letting their children out of the car. If the area is full, please wait patiently for these cars to clear the area and then pull forward. Students should then embark directly to the sidewalk. Please remind your children to remain on the sidewalk all the way into the building to ensure their safety. Please do not drop your child off in the middle of the circle. You must pull along the curb if you are using our live drop-off system. Also, be aware of parents pulling away from the curb. We realize that the situation is difficult, but we believe that if we all follow the traffic pattern as designed, we can continue to provide a safe and efficient arrival procedure. In the afternoon, we ask that parents obey the parking regulations and again exercise extreme caution as they drive in and out of the parking lot.
Students and families walking to school via Kernwood Heights/Woodland Avenue will be crossed at the top of Kernwood Heights Road and then again crossed over Woodland Avenue. Students should remain on the sidewalk and walk around the circle and into the building. The same procedure holds true for dismissal.
Students and parents should remain on the sidewalk to the crosswalk on Woodland Avenue. It is very dangerous attempting to cross over the parking lot. Visibility is poor, especially with buses pulling out of the bus area.
Students utilizing the walking path at the side of the building should cross Bridge Street at the crosswalk. Upon dismissal, students should proceed to the bottom of the hill and cross at the crosswalk.
Again, thank you for your cooperation – safety is our major concern. Please exercise caution and obey all traffic and safety rules when traveling on school grounds.